
This site is for those that like to write, cook and go on walks and/or have got Type 2 Diabetes.   

It’s still to a certain extent under construction and probably like all good big projects be that way forever – think Crossrail.   

If you like to write, you can read stories written by me if you’ve nothing better to do or if you have writer’s block. People have said that after reading my stories they wished I had writer’s block! I also have a blog series called The Writers’ Toolbox which will have tips on various writing techniques. After you’ve read my stories you’ll think – well, why doesn’t he apply those tools to his own writing. Writer heal thyself! Oh go away, this is my website and I’ll do what I like  

If cooking is your thing then the recipes on this site should interest you or make you throw up  BTW it’s not true that I’m related to the Borgia family.

I will be putting walks up both long and short and, if I’m arsed I might write some articles on compass and map navigation. I accept no responsibility if any of my walks end up with you falling off a cliff or being hunted down by zombies in the Chilterns. You’d be surprised what goes on there, blood sacrifices isn’t the word!

And finally onto the subject of Type2 Diabetes. I will be writing a blog series there called If It Tastes Good Spit It Out which is what a Type 2 Diabetic Uncle said to his Type 2 Diabetic niece when she asked him what she could eat  Also I’ll be putting up tips on how to manage T2 Diabetes and in the Cookery Corner low carbohydrate recipes  

So there’s something for everyone and nothing for no one  

And yes, I’m a retired old fart so you could say I’ve nothing better to do.