About Frank

Frank Wood mostly writes short stories which are darkly humorous with a twist at the end. Many of them end with the “hero” coming to an interesting end – interesting as in the Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times.” Some of the stories have been published by Insurgent Press in two volumes  

Club VD Volume 2
He has a short story in this anthology called Dear Corona which is a love letter written to a Corona virus by someone who is infected  

Club VD Volume 3
Confessions of a Book Sniffer. This story is dedicated to all those book sniffers who are ashamed of their vice. What he wrote veers dangerously close to conversion therapy but all you book sniffers who are terrified of being outed will not sniff at this sad but at the same time uplifting story of hope over adversity and degeneracy. . 

You can find more details of these anthologies here:
Volume 2

Volume 3

And also details of other excellent books published Insurgent Press

He also has two Work in Progress novellas but as he’s a lazy arse it’s doubtful if they’ll get finished let alone published. Ditto with short stories of which only two have been published in short story anthologies and another story due to be published next year.

No trigger warning is needed as Frank J Wood IS the trigger warning. However one warning should be heeded. If you go out drinking with him he’ll wait until the very end of the night in the hope that it’ll be too late to buy a round. Tight arse doesn’t do justice to what he’s like. He seems to think because he’s a (small time) published writer that everyone should buy him a drink! Be thankful he doesn’t drink alcohol anymore. In those drunken days whilst he didn’t exactly paint the town red – he certainly turned your bank balance that colour before the end of of the night!

As a person he’s funny, subversive, terse, hard hitting. However he’s also opinionated, sometimes obnoxious, has several Olympic Gold Medals in Hissy Fit Throwing and given half a chance will bore the pants off you.

Frank J Wood has other sides to his meagre personality. He likes to walk mostly on his own as when he’s in a group people tend to head for the nearest cliff after a half hour of his pontificating and walk leaders often ban him as their liability insurance premiums soar if he’s a member of their group. If you’re interested in the walks he’s done then walk on over here to the Walks/Rambling page. Nothing on there yet but are you surprised? 

He also likes cooking and wants to campaign to put Caribbean and Irish cooking on the culinary map. See Cookery Corner page for some of his featured recipes which are interesting unlike himself.

He’s also a blogger – no surprises there for such a mouthy twat however despite that, some of his blogs are interesting and challenging so if you have a lethal curiosity go to the Blog page

As you’ll see on his website he’s a Type 2 Diabetic. Gawd help you if you tell him you’re also one as he’ll barrage you with an avalanche of facts and figures mixed up with his own cheesy opinions on how to manage your condition. By the time he’s finished you’ll want to give up any diet you’re on and hang the consequences or top yourself. However (however is one of Frank Wood’s favourite “get out of jail” words) if you sift through the crap you’ll find some interesting nuggets of wisdom – a bit like those Pima Indians in America who used to eat cactus fruits and then pick out the seeds from their poo to eat as the digestive juices had softened them. A good environmentalists might say that’s how everyone should be recycling their food. If you’re still interested this is the page where you should be – If It Tastes Good Spit It Out.

Love him or hate him (probably the latter for most people) you can’t ignore him. If you ignore him he’ll be very upset but then again that’s the ultimate way to hate him which means that you haven’t ignored him because you hate him. This of course is the sort of state people get into when reading his stuff.

You have been warned.